
Making an impact

There's no denying it. The industries we serve have a significant impact on the environment. And as a business that takes its responsibilities seriously, we are owning the part we play in this. We are working hard to create extracts and ingredients people love, in such a way that protects people, and our planet.

We're proud to highlight the progress we've made during the past financial year

Our approach

For us it is essential Sustainability is embedded within our business; ensuring we work collectively to tackle the global challenges we face in a thoughtful and impact-driven way.

We have made real strides in our approach to sustainability, initially working with a team of highly experienced consultants to aid in the development of a global sustainability strategy, more recently recruiting dedicated internal resource, focused on driving the strategy implementation and development across the business.

The crusade to become a more sustainable organisation permeates all key decision making. From the future direction of the company, how we drive transparency and positive change across our global supply chains, down to the values our people embrace, sustainability is integral and shapes the way in which our business is run.

Discover our approach to sustainability as featured in our annual report and accounts.

You can find a copy of our GRI Standards Index HERE

Our Pillars

People - Planet - Performance

Our work has involved a thorough consultation with our key stakeholders to determine the issues most material to them. This has shaped our strategic priorities and feature under three key pillars, to ensure clarity and focus.


Supporting our people, communities and customers

Our culture is integral to our success, and we are proud of all we do to nurture our people, wherever they work for us in the world. Whether it's offering true flexible working from the day they join us, a job where they feel safe, or ensuring they are seen, heard, and valued by their colleagues. Our community are provided the opportunity to develop, a competitive salary and a generous benefits package; we believe in looking after our people in every way we can.

Our ED&I allies network of global employees, representing different diverse groups help drive our focus in this important area, to ensure we create a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment where we embrace our distinctions.

We endeavour to make a positive impact on the communities in which we operate, supporting the future generation through our relationships with local schools and colleges, but also championing local good causes selected by our employees, many of which now benefit from our employee volunteering scheme.

Our responsible and sustainable sourcing policy also strives to ensure those suppliers we buy from all over the world look after their people and the communities they reach too.

Learn more about our approach in our ‘people’ section of our sustainability report on pages 27-34

Discover more | Our approach to our people


Acting on climate change

As a natural extracts and ingredients manufacturer, we are fully aware of the impact climate change has on the sustainability of the raw materials we process. We manage our global energy and fuel consumption, as well as waste processing, with this very much in mind. We are proud to report zero waste to landfill and 100% renewable electricity usage at our UK facility and have committed to a number of energy saving projects at our US facility supporting our pathway to net zero.

Understanding the true extent of our impact on the environment is a significant undertaking, but one which we are proactively tackling in all territories. We measure and report our Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions and have set targets to reduce our scope 1 & 2 Co2 emissions by 10% by 2025 at our US facility.

The SBTi have validated our modelling and near-term target of 42% reduction in scope 1&2 by 2030, across the group as we continue to focus on mapping our pathway to Net Zero.


We assess the potential impacts of climate change on our business, using the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosure. Learn more about our pathway to Net Zero and TCFD in our ‘planet’ section of our sustainability report.

Acting on climate change also drives us to produce, store, transport and dispose of business waste responsibly, increasingly applying a circular approach. See the progress we’ve made with our waste management, in our ‘planet’ section of our
sustainability report on pages 27-34.

To find out more about our circular approach to processing our ingredients and repurposing our waste, click the ingredient icons below.





Strong governance and sustainable sourcing

Our ESG governance structure, inclusive of an ESG Board Advisory Panel, now sees over twenty people across the business vertically, involved in shaping and delivering our ESG priorities, ensuring sustainability is embedded into our business strategy from design to execution so that we continue to drive positive change for both people and our planet. To further demonstrate how seriously the business considers ESG at least 20% of Executive Director bonus scheme is also subject to ESG related non-financial objectives.

Learn more about the structure with our TCFD disclosure in our sustainability report on pages 36-43.

The integrity of our products starts with the ingredients we source. We are committed to sourcing in line with our responsible and sustainable sourcing policy. This provides us with the transparency we need, whilst also providing the necessary level of reassurance for our customers, and the increasingly conscious consumer. The implementation of this policy is supported with a number of stretching KPI’s to ensure continuous improvement in the sustainability of our supply chain, working hard to engage our supply chain to support both people and planet. See more about our progress in our sustainability report on pages 47-49.


We source our raw materials from suppliers across the world. Click on the icons below to discover the ingredient story behind some of our signature products.


Yerba Mate






Our sustainability strategy ensures we are collectively contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals across our Global business and are reflected in our sustainability report.

Certifications, Memberships & Ratings

A wide range of standards help provide transparency and additional reassurance as to where we are on our sustainability journey. These certifications, memberships and ratings not only provide a benchmark for our performance but also enable us to see where we can improve the sustainability of our own business, as well as contribute to collaborations to further the industry’s sustainability.

The award of a silver sustainability rating from Ecovadis, a universal sustainability ratings provider, recognises our commitment to improving sustainability. Ecovadis evaluated Treatt on its approach to the environment, labour, human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.

We are proud members of the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) platform and were involved as members in delivering their Florida orange sustainability accelerator project, with objectives including building consensus across the entire juice industry to meet FSA or FSA equivalency. We are also proud to be a founding partner in SAI Platforms Regenerative Agriculture Programme, helping to drive positive change for a sustainable, thriving and more resilient agriculture sector.

Treatt's US facility holds Rainforest Alliance Supply Chain certification and we are able to buy and sell specific products with the Rainforest Alliance certification seal. The Rainforest Alliance is an international non-profit organization working at the intersection of business, agriculture and forest to make responsible business normal.

We are proud to be signatories to the IFRA-IOFI Sustainability Charter; a framework providing the opportunity and tools within the flavour and fragrance industry, for us to showcase our commitment, share best practice and benchmarking industry sustainability progress. Find out more on the IOFI-IFRA Sustainability Charter HERE



Rainforest Alliance


Soil Association



To find out more about the great work going on at Treatt around sustainability, please get in touch on