Dividend Information

Treatt plc aims to pay two dividends per year, an interim dividend in the summer and a final dividend in the spring. The policy of the Board is to pay an interim dividend of approximately one third of the previous years total dividend.

Whilst it is recognised that there will be some fluctuation in earnings, the Board aims to maintain or grow the dividend payment to shareholders each year, thereby providing a stable return on investment.

Dividend dates can be found in the financial calendar.

Financial Year Dividend Type Dividend Paid
2024 Interim 2.60p
2023 Final 5.46p
2023 Interim 2.55p
2022 Final 5.35p
2022 Interim 2.50p
2021 Final 5.50p
2021 Interim 2.00p
2020 Final 4.16p
2020 Interim 1.84p
2019 Final 3.80p
2019 Interim 1.70p
2018 Final 3.50p
2018 Interim 1.60p
2017 Final 3.35p
2017 Interim 1.45p
2016 Final 3.00p
2016 Interim 1.35p
2015 Final 2.76p
2015 Interim 1.28p
2014 Final 2.60p
2014 Interim 1.24p
2013 Final 2.60p
2013 Interim 1.10p
2012 Final 2.08p
2012 Interim 1.02p
2011 Final 1.94p
2011 Interim 0.96p
2010 Final 1.78p
2010 Interim 0.82p
2009 Final 1.66p
2009 Interim 0.74p

Payment of Dividends

All shareholders on the register of members on the record date will receive their dividend by cheque in GBP, which will be posted by first class post on the payment date. The cheque will be accompanied by a dividend confirmation providing details of the payment. Where shares are registered in the name of joint holders the dividend cheque will be made payable and sent to the person who is first named in the register.

With effect from 6 April 2016 the notional 10% tax credit on dividends was abolished and replaced with a dividend allowance of £5,000, which was subsequently reduced to £2,000 on 6 April 2018, to £1,000 on 6 April 2023 and to £500 during the 2024/2025 tax year. Therefore, dividends in excess of £500 will be taxed according to your income band at 8.75% (basic rate), 33.75% (upper rate) and 39.35% (additional rate). You will receive a dividend confirmation for each dividend paid.

For more information on the taxing of dividends, please refer to the Government website www.gov.uk/tax-on-dividends

In the event that a dividend cheque or dividend confirmation is required to be reissued please contact Link Asset Services who will be happy to assist you. Please note that in certain circumstances a charge may be payable to cover administration expenses.

Alternative Means of Payment

Bank Mandate

A cheque may not be the most convenient or secure means of receiving a dividend and an election can be made to receive dividends directly into a nominated bank or building society account. Payment will be made on the payment date with the dividend appearing in your account within a few working days. The dividend confirmation will be posted by first class post.

The simplest means of setting up a bank mandate or changing one already in place is through the Signal Shares website hosted by Link, details of which can be found in the Manage Your Shareholding section of this website.

Alternatively, you can write to Link Asset Services or download a dividend mandate form, which can be completed with the relevant information. Please note that where shares are registered in the name of joint holders each party must sign the mandate form or letter of instruction. Corporate shareholders are required to have the form signed by the appropriate number of authorised signatories and have the form stamped by its bank. The address for Link can be found on the Contacts page.

Payment of Dividends to Overseas Shareholders

Overseas shareholders may find that bank transaction costs in exchanging a GBP dividend into their local currency erode a disproportionate amount of the dividend. Shareholders living in certain countries can elect to receive their dividend by currency draft or directly into a bank account in their local currency for a small fixed charge, which may represent a cost saving when weighted against bank transaction costs.

This service is provided by Link Asset Services and details of the countries in which this service is available, costs and application forms can be found on the International Payment Services section of the Link website.

Dividend Re-Investment Plan (DRIP)

A DRIP enables shareholders to use their dividends to gradually increase the size of their shareholding by electing to receive additional shares purchased in the market using their dividend income. The cost of purchasing the shares, dealing commission and stamp duty (where applicable), will automatically be deducted from the dividend to be reinvested. Any surplus insufficient to buy a share is credited back to the shareholder account and added to the next dividend paid.

Once a purchase has been made shareholders are advised in writing of the number of shares purchased and the price paid for them. Those with CREST accounts will receive notification of the purchase through CREST and the shares will be credited to their CREST account.

A DRIP election can be made through the Signal Shares website, a link to which can be found on the Investor Contacts page together with the postal and website addresses for Link, should you require an application form.

Once an election is in place each dividend will be used to purchase shares until an election is cancelled. Cancellation can be made through the Signal Shares website or in writing to Link and must be made prior to a DRIP election date.

Further information and details of transaction costs are available through the Signal Shares website or from Link directly.